PTO Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013

Attendance:  Jenny, Vickie, Alicia, Robbie, Karen, Rebecca, and Thao.

·      Jenny will hold an evening PTO meeting Wednesday, September 18th @ 7 pm in effort to offer parents a more convenient time to join the PTO.  If this time is more favorable, then we will plan more meetings in the evenings.
·      PTO meetings will be changed to the second Wednesdays of every month.
·      Reminders for the meetings will be posted on the doors and on a sandwich board in front of our schools the day before the meeting.

Funding Requests:
Vickie Dobrec requested $100 per sports for the year in total of $500.
YES  unanimous votes

Other Requests:
Goeff Proust requested refreshments for the District Action Plan Meeting.
We need to do more in notifying parents about the event and PTO can provide basic refreshments.

Fund Raisers:

 Hoop A Thon
Michelle will take on this great annual event.
October 23rd is the date.

Fall Carnival
Tyler Vack will be in charge of the fall carnival and the proceeds will go towards the 8th grade ski trip. Date TBA.

Sweat Shirt Sales
Robbie will spear head the Trinidad School sweatshirt project.  Using an oldie but goodie logo.

Craft Fair:
Rebecca is in charge and will come up with the date.

See’s Candy for X-mas sales:
There is an increase in price, and we will continue to do this most profitable fundraiser.

Tri Tip and Portabello Mushroom to go dinners:
Jenny proposed to sell grilled tri tip beef, bake potatoes, bake beans, and salad dinners.  Vegetarian option is grilled portabello mushrooms with cheese.  Preorder dinners and pick up after school.

Wed, September 18th @ 7 pm, Please come if you missed the first meeting.  In room 10 (1st grade room)We need your participation.

Wed, October 16th @ 3:30 pm in room #10 (1st grade room).

Attendance: Shore, Hope, Susan, Thao, Rebecca, and Margie.

 Funding request:

 1. $200 for chamber reader.  YES unanimous votes.
 Announcements/upcoming events:
 *Gallery sitter needed:  please sign up in the office for Sat. and Sunday for the month of April.

 *Ocean Dance- Friday,May 3rd;  PTO is recruiting for decorators
Thao will be making schools of fish and sea life in the art classes to hang for additional decor;  PTO will be buying the fish with some fish donation for a FISH TACO dinner (prepared by the teachers). Tyler is DJ'n
 *Teacher appreciation week: May 6-10;  check in to participate.
 *Chamber Reader: May 15
 *Spring Concert: May 22

 *MARE, Patrick Pt. picnic, May 29th;  PTO will provide hot dogs, water melon, chips, slaw, drinks, cookies.
kitchen is short of forks please donate !!

One Cause & Murphy’s Money:     
Encourage all friends and family to sign up and shop through One Cause, and Murphy’s $ can be purchase in the office.

 Next meeting:  Tuesday, May 7th


Attending:                 Shore, Thao Debbie Wood, Hope, Sonja, Jona, Geoff, Kathleen Margolin 

Treasures Report:                        $9,345.     December total before paying out dragon wear costs.
                                $    160.   Paid out to library for book fair request

Dragonwear & See’s Candy
due Wednesday Dec. 19th.
Need help getting orders out:  Shore and Ananda.

One Cause & Murphy’s Money:     
Encourage all friends and family to sign up and shop through One Cause, and Murphy’s $ can be purchase in the office.

Bingo Night:            
  Friday, January 11th.
We will be charging $1 per game sheet.  Prizes will be toys, bake goods, gift certificate for ice cream.
Food for sale, Hope’s pizza.

Spirit Day
Friday, January 25th

Popcorn/fruit/ sales at Boys Basket Ball Games?: 
Hope will check Costco for prices on healthy snacks for this snack stand.

Funding Request:       
Annie Lindquist request $50-100 for School kitchen cart.

Those in favor:  Shore, Thao Debbie Wood, Hope, Sonja, Jona, Geoff, Kathleen.
YES, with PTO request for a prevention plan of future loss of equipments; Such as labeling or purchase of specific style of colors of kitchen ware.

2.      Geoff & Leslie $200. For gift baskets for families needs.
Those in favor:  YES,  Shore, Thao Debbie Wood, Hope, Sonja, Jona, Geoff, Kathleen.

3.     Geoff requested $125. match with Iron Side donation for Del Arte performance “Fish in my Head”.
Those in favor:  YES,  Shore, Thao Debbie Wood, Hope, Sonja, Jona, Geoff, Kathleen.

Thank you card from Wendy Carney.

Next Meeting:                        Tuesday, January 8th.

November 13, 2012 Meeting Agenda

Minutes in Red

present~ Shore, Thao

Treasurer Report~ $9000.00  2000.00 is reserve
Up coming fundraisers See's Candy and Dragon Wear

Funding Request~ Approved for 20.00 per class 140.00 2 gift certs per class of 10.00 for book fair

Pto newsletter all school events not just Pto to go home with students weekly reports

Christmas Fair
Ms. Leuck Needs help to set up tables, shore to ask four students
Shore and Michelle will be at table to sell see's and dragon wear and help people sign up with ONE CAUSE

Future events Family fun night~ Bingo, Movie Night

October 9th, 2012 MeetingAgenda

Minutes in Red
present at meeting~ Thao, Erika,Stacie, Shore, Jessica, Katie, Hope,Michelle, Janna, Rebecca, alysia, kathleen,
Treasures Report  7100.00 reserve 2000.00
           Hoop a thon              $1100.00
           Bake sale Art Night    $105.00

Funding request
                         Volleyball net keeper 140.00  all in favor passed 

School Pictures
                        Photographer Needed
Contact Janna kitchen~ Eva York photographer Not fundraisier All approved DATES MAY CHANGE!!  Preview of pics available?

Community Food Tree for Wendy Carney
                            Kathleen Margolin to coordinator with Jacob and Caique
 Fall Carnival 

Shore went through PE room have lots of items for booths  
costume contest
pumpkin carving contest~ carve pumpkin at home bring pumpkin to school the day of carnival to be judged   Hope to judge Pumpkin carving contest
Michelle & Katie to do Something in Garden
$ to buy prizes  150.00 all Approved
$ to buy Prizes 100.00 all approved
Pictures to be taken by Shore

  need more volunteers~ please sign up at

Sweatshirt Sales  
               Katie Donnelly in charge  Due NOVEMEBER 8th 
               Do we want to order extras for xmas craft fair???  $200.00 for overage all approved 

Craft Fair Booth

                         Michelle Hasselquist Coordinator

See's Candy sales for xmas?  YES all approved

Next Meeting Nov. 13th Conference week  1:30 after early dismissal

Christmas craft fair Dec. 9th or 16th??

snacks next meeting JESSICA

September 11, 2012 Meeting
attendance- Stacie, Ananda, Gigi, Jonna, Katie, Michelle, Vickie, Jessica S, Hope, Shore, Emily H, Erika, Sonja, Lesli L. Kathleen M, Thao, Karen, Cara..........

We voted to pay for 1 sports tournament per sport team

vickie and stacie to create sweatshirt and an order form to give to all coaches for their teams to buy -PTO to buy sports patches to put on sweatshirt.

First Spirit Day with Popcorn on 21st of September
 Sign ups from last night Thank you to all who signed up
 PTO cabinet organizer Hope Reinman
 Spirit Day Popcorn Shore M, Jessica S, & Emily H
 Community Night Movie Night -Jonna K & Erika C Bingo-Erika C, Lesli L, & Gigi
 Recess Volunteer Thao
 Sweatshirt Sales Katie D, Thao
 Bulletin Board Erika C
 Newsletter weekly Stacie with Thao in training
 Meeting Monthly Reminders Kathleen M
 Holiday craft fair booth Michelle H
 Family Art Night Thao to coordinate with Trinidad Arts night
 Teacher Appreciation Potluck Kathleen M Erika C to help bring in items


Sonja Manor is the new Treasurer Ananda will be helping her with the transition THANKS SONJA!!!! 

Thao Le Khac came to me at school and offered to be Secretary so i will be working with her over this school year to help her with the transition THANKS THAO!!!!

NEXT MEETING OCTOBER 9th 3:30 Teacher room next to office 

Attendance: Stacie Stick, Kathleen Margolin, Mark Woods, Natalie, Debbie Wood

Ice Cream for 8th grade v staff baseball game
Kathleen M and Vallee will help serve Mrs. young picked up ice cream on way to school

8th Grade scholarship 
MS and AD to share award for years of PTO service based on nominations made by Gayle Beadle and Lesli Legg
Mr. Vack nominated JK we argreed to sponsor a 50.00  award and mr. vack would come up with a volunteer/helper award

we need volunteers!!!!
What do we want to do?  POPCORN booth?
Hot Dog stand?
Sell Plant Starters? 
Natalie & Debbie Wood have said they could do a shift but we still need more help and a plan

WELCOME Tea next year
Natalie and Debbie to help

Please email PTO to let me know what help you can provide

 PTO Agenda May 1st, 2012
Treasurer's Report-
Atendance- Jackie, Stacie, Kathleen Margolin, Suzanne
Reimbursement Requests - Annie Lindquist wants to get new pencil sharpeners for each class ($50.00 each) and/or one or two heavy duty ones for the staff lounge ($150.00 each) Revisit in the fall  remburse stephanie for flowers for sdmit day -des
---Kgn - Beverages
---1st grade - decoration set up early May-decorations on top of PTO cabinet-This class has a large parent group to chair this part of event
--- 2nd grade - run Royalty contest, make crowns, run hula-hoop contest, run Surf photos booth w/polaroid pictures
---3rd grade - decoration clean-up at end of May-leave decorations up all month-This class has a large parent group to run the big job of clean up-
(chairperson-Katherine Ellis)
--- 4th, 5th, 6th - Food Gayle from the kitchen along w/the jr. chefs and Denise will be making clam chowder, Jeny Giraud will be making a vegetarian soup.  Please donate $2.00 to help with food costs
---7th, 8th - clean up crew after the dance  (chairpersons- Gigi and Shore) Clean up 9-9:30 
---Jacqueline has contacted Mario, there will be limbo dancing and a photo booth as well
PTO would really like to encourage parents to chair these activities.  We would rather the teachers not run the activities, but rather delegate the parents to run them.
PTO BBQ-May 10th, Thursday , Hot dogs, veggie dogs, watermelon, carrots, chips, lemonade, cookies, Jacqueline will be the shopper, volunteers Ananda, Claire, Gigi, Naomi Vaughn, Natalie, Jill, Erika, Hollis, anyone else???  Please show up at 9am at school to prepare the lunch then deliver it with tables, beverages, and serviceware to the lunch at State Park to the north of school at 11am;
5-8th will be at Palmer’s Point (Patrick’s Point), Kgn and 4th to Indian Beach, 1-3 at State Beach,  Jackie to be shopper Lunch Starts 11
Beach Clean-Up Day State Beach, Friday, May 25th, need 8 volunteers to help bring lunch to the beach and set up tables, serve, collect trash and bring everything back to school afterwards Lunch 11, Help will be needed at 10:45 Chuck to be trash clean up  Truck needed for trash
Day of the Teacher-Stephanie Pearlston  and Natalie will be donating chair massages to teachers from 9-1pm (last appointment 1pm) several parents will be donating goodies for snacks for the staff meeting at 8am Goodies: Suzanne to make gluten free snack, Brenda, Mrs. May, Ilona, Ericka, Kathryn, Crystal ? Mia?
Celebrating Thursday May 17th    Teachers to receive massages from 9-1
Classified Appreciation day Tuesday May 15th Show your love to the Aides in your childs class
Ice Cream for Baseball day- Tuesday, June12th Staff vs. 8th graders- servers-(Jamie Waters, Kathleen, Nancy Sanders, Debbie Wood)  Jacqueline has contacted Isaiah Rigge's dad for ice cream donation; Mrs. Young will pick up 
Fish Feed Booth- Father's Day 6/17--PTO provides a food booth for local Trinidad Annual Event-makes a good amount of $ for PTO.  Please, Please, Please we need chairpersons??? Ms. A Class to Organize
Next Meeting- Tuesday, June 5th @ 9am in the coffee shop; 
Elections will be held for all positions-- please run for PTO president, v.p., treasurer, or secretary-- and help our children’s school!  You deserve to help.
PTO Agenda April 3, 2012
Treasurer’s Report~ 4500.00 +  2000.00 reserve
See’s Candy Sales~ about 900.00 1/3 to pto profit  
Shutterfly ???  Contact info contact them 
Reimbursement Requests~ Annie, Jeny & Emillee $40.00 for performance tickets APPROVED 
Funding Request~ 
Tyler Vack approved by email 400.00,   300.00 for ski trip scholarship  100.00 for Pizza
Thao request for drying racks 250.00 approved by email check to des made out to school
Geoff Facilites projects $250-$350 geoff asked for 400.00 APPROVED
Jobs per classroom~ Theme? TROPICAL 
Decoration Setup  early May~ 
Decorations on top of PTO cabinet
Run Royalty contest, make up crowns run hula-hoop contest, run surf photo booth w/paid polaroid pictures( WENDY?? caique’s mom 4th grade)
decoration clean-up at end of May 
CLEAN UP CREW after the dance
Jaqueline will call Mario the DJ, and has contact Emily Hanshaw for hair braiding... lldiko for Henna Tatooing ( Tiffany Brogdan also has done henna for the school)
Parents need to step up and chair these events teachers already have to much going on with M.A.R.E  activites.
PTO BBQ? MAY 10th  patrick’s point eat there?  Hot dogs and quick food watermelon chips cookies lemonade   with help from hope? veggie option
Day of the Teacher~ Stephanie Pearlston wants to donate chair masseges to teachers for this event!  Natalie has always done massages in the past. Jackie will talk to stephanie and natalie Shall we serve Lunch again?  goodies for staff meeting of that week
Ice Cream for Staff vs. 8th graders baseball game(date?) June 12th servers needed we need servers~  Jacueline will call Isaiah rigge’s dad for ice cream Mrs. Young will pick up
Father/Daughter Dance June 1st, 8th, or 15th?  New Mom from back east to chair the event 100%  and donate all Proceeds to PTO  do at town hall to many events already at school already 
FISH FEED BOOTH~ father’s day June 17th Food booth annual Event this is a good money maker NEED CHAIRPERSONS  Flyer home 

NEXT MEETING TUESDAY MAY 1st @ 9am ~coffee shop~ 

PTO AGENDA minutes in red

Feb. 2012 Meeting Minutes
Announcements-Gardening will resume in the Spring.  Gardening days will continue to happen on Mondays with 1 or 2 classes possibly working on Fridays- Gayle will make Gardening Announcements at staff meetings.
Treasurer's Report- Please see bulletin board in hallway by KGN for updated details.
Funding Request- $17.00 from Emilee Arispe for 2 ticket scholarships for 2 students-approved
Valentine's Ball- Jacqueline asked Gayle Beadle to announce at the Thursday teachers meeting to recruit parents for set-up and clean-up.

Local Business Directory- PTO wants to gather business cards of parents and family members to make a local school directory of businesses, anyone interested in taking this on????
Spirit Fridays- ask Hope to make a special snack the last Friday of the month for Spirit Week.  This eliminates the need for popcorn volunteers.
See's Candy packet will go home during March conferences
Seed's Fundraiser-skip it this year
Dragonwear inventory order going out in early March.

January 10, 2012  minutes in red
In attendance: Geoff, Jackie, Gayle, cara,

GARDENING DAYS MOVE TO FRIDAYS ~ gayle checking with teachers 
Treasure’s report ~Ananda not in attendance treasure's report next month

  • Funding request- none at this time  TSEF has offered to pay for the items needed for Mrs. G’s classroom so pto will not be responible for this.
Winter Peace Concert 1/19/12~6:30
Treats? no treats
Valentine’s Ball 2/11/12~Auction items need!! Sign up in office for voluteers, please check in and see if you can help
Valentine’s see’s candy ~Easter candy to be sold, order forms to go home at conferences week of march 12th 
Spaghetti Feed: 2/3/12~Rebecca not in attendance jackie to see if she needs help, fundraiser for week long enviromental camp in spring
Art Gallery bulletin boards/ Thao (Stacie asked for a quote to make more bulletin boards from Karl F. waiting to hear back)
~Group  is in favor
Welcome Wagon: attach pto member letter to school registration packet Jackie? ~pto membership forms to be attached to registration packet

Rebecca please ask all teachers to get new families info in Stacie’s by email or in her box.  So they can be included in pto newletter.  ~Gayle and Geoff to relay this to teachers at staff meeting
Dragonwear inventory  Had a few people ask about getting another order going, can we order a few of the most purchased items for stock? ~ Gayle suggest order size samples...approved

Next Meeting Feb. 7th jackie to bring snacks


PTO AGENDA Minutes in Red

DECEMBER 6, 2011

attendance- gayle beadle, Ms. Leuck, Jeny G, Terry T, Stacie, Ananda M, Jonna K

Treasure’s  Report 

~See’s Candy  no totals yet

~ HOOP-A-THON NOV. 7th no totals yet

~ School Pictures ? Jonna if in attendance can give follow up no totals yet maybe 1000.00 profit

Funding Request-375.00 for Willa Wonka performance (total cost 600.00)  all approved 375.00

  • Thao- bulletin boards for all older classes  stacie to talk to karl F about cost and bring details to next meeting
  • Repay the furgesons for building supplies for clothes rack all approved , love the rack
  • Decorating for craft Fair?  no funds needed at this time

CRAFT FAIR voluteers-

Santa? Yes there will be a santa

~ Book Fair Morgan and Nathan to help Lori Snell set up book fair

~Coats for the Cold up and running


Snacks Next meeting? Jan. 10th Rebecca   Feb. 7th meeting Jeny G.


November 1st~Minutes in Red

Attendance: Geoff Proust, Debra Wood, Rebecca Leuck, Jackie Stratton, Gayle Beadle, Stacie Stick  

Treasure’s  Report  to be displayed pto bullentin board

    • IRS?  
    • bylaws profread jackie and mrs. beadle to profread

Funding Request None at this time-   Geoff asking for 500.00 for Drama all voted yes

Thanks for the emailig voting about Stereo


HOOP-A-THON NOV. 7th gigi in charge

Holiday Craft Fair Dec. 11th~ Real Tree Needed, Santa? Who Wants to be Santa? Need Costume 

Table with dragonwear volunteers needed

Fall funding  fundraiser succesfull

200.00 back from stephanie Strasser cancelled  trip

Book Fair
  plenty of volunteers

Movie Night? not at this time maybe same night as TSEF BALL???

School Spirit Fridays  Yes or NO? Last Friday of the month

Food Drive ends soon Debra Wood tour the Trinidad Food Bank --talk to kids about food  sources  Wednesday 9:30 Rebecca to do tour the 16th

Coats for the Cold collect coats in jan

See’s Candy XMAS orders Due Dec. 2nd order forms to go home at conferences

Dragonwear Orders Due Nov. 10th  

School Pictures ? Jonna if in attendance can give follow up Funds are still coming in


Rebecca thinks PTO should help pay for band for Ms. Rosie's Class Humdinger since the kids worked so hard on their own~ Stacie will talk to Rosie about cost and then vote on at next meeting

Next Meeting December 6th  Do to Basketball game meeting might be changed

Snacks Next Meeting- Jackie


PTO AGENDA     Minutes in Red

 in attendance :

Thao L, Rebecca Leuck, Jeny G,Stacie S, Jackie S, Gayle B, Danny F, Stephanie P,Ananda M, Geoff P, Joan Ruprecht

Joan Ruprecht requested support for st. jude fundraiser, as per bylaws we had to decline.

Vice-President? Still no one interested in VP position

Treasure’s report Treasurer report 5500.00 total

2000.00 for reserve


look into IRS filing Annual tax return-  do we need to file?

 stephanie pearlson to check with past treasurer about this

  • bylaws--
  • Funding request- Ms. S might need to borrow extra 100.00 for deposit for camping trip  

-Thao 100.00 Art supplies not needed at this time

-Mrs. Walters 14.00 for gecko stamp Author Festival ~all yes gecko stamo for mrs. walters

  • Classroom reps still needed

Ms. A-

Mrs. Girard-Thao

Ms. S-Ananda

Stephanie Pearlson to be added to PTO email voting list

  • Farmers market,  Mondays 2:10-2:30
  • holiday craft fair,DATE? Dec. 11th pto to help decorate  fri dec. 9th 3:30
  • Volunteers for Scholastic book fair-11-4
  • Harvest Humdinger dance lessons during school  Nov. 17th -last meeting voted yes to 360 for dance lessons
    • Help during night time event?  Ms. Rosie class in charge ~all yes PTO to suppy popcorn and supplies for ms. rosie class fundraiser at humdinger

  • Walk to school- Earth Day NO FLYERS  
  • Community movie night, 
  • school spirit fridays(sign ups for popcorn duty), stephanie pearlson to help 
  • hoop-a-thon, Nov 7th
  • box tops, escrip, one cause,  
  • Food Drive ends Nov. ...Debbie Wood
  • Coats for the cold
  • See’s Candy Which Holidays ? See’s Candy   ~Yes to christmas sales  Send info home conference week  orders to be due Dec. 2nd
  • St. Jude Hospital horse rides at horse arena in Eureka  Donations for rides?
    Joan Ruprecht requested support for st. jude fundraiser, as per bylaws we had to decline.

  • Cusinart for Kitchen? Danny Ferguson ~requesting commercial grade food processor for kitchen (480.00-587.00)she is working with distributor for a discounted price 

~ all voted yes to 250.00 then balance to come from hula hoop a thon. 

  • School spirit wear orders in by mid oct. so plenty time for xmas gifts and craft fair sales... Same Items look into new items? get info Lesli... put in pto bulletin after school pics taken out  Jackie ( inventory of dragon wear stacie to do)

Dragon wear ~ yes to same design and options as last year.. Discuss in the future a new design

Reminder that we have box in hall for ink jet cartrididges, old cel phone we get cash for recycling these


Pto minutes september 13


Geoff proust, ananda morehead, gigi (jess)collins, vickie dolbrec, ms. leuck, lesli legg, stacie  stick, jonna kitchen, jacqui stratton, shore McCloud 

Meeting started 7:13

elect officers

voted in

treasurer- ananda morehead 

President- Jacqui


Secretary- Stacie Stick

Volunteer coordinator???
volunteer sign up
Autumn Indrebo 633-5448
Thao Lekhac 442-7595
Bridget Curtis 677-9590
Crystal Ortiz 677-9183
Class rep-
Ms. A
Mrs. G
Ms. S
Mrs. Lindquist
Mrs. Beadle stacie stick
Ms. Rosie - Janna kitchen, Jackie
Ms. Leuck Ms. Leuck, Rebecca
Mr. Vack  Shore and Gigi
Monthly Dues ?? Foundation or pto?
Pay pal for donation?

jackie revise letter asking for more volunteers but money is ok...tell what PTO does




income 22,357.19


Ms. S Request for loan approved 100.00  to be repaid  after class fundraiser ---as well as give up to 100.00 toward scholarship all in favor

Vickie request for athletic fund-- hoping to have an amount that will be donated annually

balls, tournaments, batons etc...

500.00 for 100.00 each sport     Equipment Practice Ball- 99.00    Game balls- 147.00 baton 7.00

best amount would be $753.00

Rebecca motioned $753.00 this year 

jonna second 

all in favor

Meeting times and days??

1st tuesday of the month

Rebecaa motion to start meetings 3:45 

jackie 2nd

all approved

Email votes

to approve request between meetings 6 yes to approve
10 directors

Rebecca leuck
Jackie stratton
Ananda morehead
Stacie stick
Jonna kitchen
Geoff proust
Gigi collins
Shore mccloud
Lesli Legg
Emilly A
School Pictures- September 20
  setting prices
motion to approve mark up amount rounded to the nearest dollar
last year 1300.00 profit from picture sales

Volunteers for Picture day Gigi, 9-1  others needed to help please
 teachers to have pictures taken
Harvest festival, teachers not hosting evening event
pto to fund contra dance
Jackie motioned to approve funding for contra  dancing
Stacie Stick 2nd  all approved up to $300.00
walk to school Day Jonna in charge
hoop a thon Nov. 7th  2:10-
7-8 grade keeps own profits
Talk to Denise abut conflict with afterschool activites on nov 7th
humboldt Homemade meals-
discuss  at next meeting
no decision made
kitchen help
gigi and Jonna signed up

refreshments next meeting rebecca

sell spirit wear at farmers market mondays 

meetings to be first tuesdays of every month instead of 2nd 
Oct. 4th 3:45 first tuesday

October 12th, 2010

-Attendance Jacqui held 2 meetings-am had 8 people & pm had 4 people-  Am seems to be a better time for meetings 
--Job Sign-Ups--  PTO Popcorn sign-up, PTO volunteer sign-up, events sign up, PTO Class Reps Sign-Ups-(Jeny Giraud needs 2, Mrs. Beadle needs one more, Mr. Vack needs one more, Annie Lindquist needs one more), Cafeteria help sign-up-concerned that the people who are doing this 1x per week will get burned out would like 5 more volunteers to change cafe help to every other week
--Treasurer’s Report--$2000 reserve leaving$1642 spending money
--Harvest Humdinger-- October 15th Friday evening-potluck dinner, pie walk-please bring pies for donation to pie walk fundraiser, contact your child's teacher if you want to help Harvest festival any other way
--Halloween Dance Party, Friday, October 29th CANCELLED 
--Sweatshirt Sales-- DragonWear coming out early Nov. due 2nd Friday of Nov.  Michelle Bacigaluppi is our accountant and Lesli Walker is calling in orders- Thanks
--Fundraiser Drive-- raised $1120 and Surf4Peace raised $480= $1600 need to approve $1500 for Theater Program, 12 weeks for all students APPROVED
--E-Scrip, Box Tops for Education, Renner Gas, One Cause NEED TO GET OUT FLYERS FOR INFO FOR PARENTS
--Hoop-A-Thon-- Nov. 5th Friday rescheduled for early next year Jan or Feb
--Community Movie Night-- Dec. 3rd, time  NAtalie McDougal contact
--Learn-to-Earn Banking Program-- Tuesdays, 8:15-8:50am with Jennifer Fraser local mom who is an UMPQUA employee
--Holiday Craft Fair-- Dec 12 10-4pm w/book fair


PTO Agenda September 14, 2010


Vice President and secretaryStacie Stick will be Secretary, Ananda Morehead temporary Treasurer

Back-to-School Night Wed. September 15-refreshments-Cookie Party

Membership Drive thru September 30th- $930 so far

Surf for Peace surf contest, PTO has sushi booth, roll sushi Fri, Sept, 24th @ 5pm in cafeteria, help run booth 10-6 pm Sat, Sept, 25th, help take down booth 6pm raised $480

Skate Demo put off until Spring

Treasurer’s Report-Rosemary Edmiston will be retiring as Treasurer

Harvest Festival-October 8 or 15th- Pie Walk, contra dance classes for students, petting zoo?, potluck dinner, help to run the kitchen, PLEASE ASK TEACHERS WHAT THEY NEED HELP WITH! THANK YOU :)

Community Movie Night- December 3rd , Natalie McDougal ph. 396-8733 will run projector and have popcorn and lemonade.

School Spirit Fridays (last Friday of month)- popcorn, music, students and staff wear Dragon clothes

Halloween Dance Party Friday, October 29, 5-8pm, DJ music, dancing and snacks, $1.00 per person fundraiser, Tyler Vack will DJ

Funding Request $ for projector for primary grades-approved

Umpqua Banking Day Tuesday morings before school, 8:15-8:50am Jennifer Fraser will be running this

Next Meeting October 12, 9:15am and 6:30 pm, preferred time is seeming to be morning time when kids are in school, am meeting will meet in the ASP room PM meeting will meet in the staff lounge